"I am predicting 50 years of chaos," says digital media thinker Clay Shirky. He's been speaking at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) Global conference in Oxford, UK. Story here. Sounds about right, though I'd guess it could be 50 years … [Continue reading] about Shirky: “50 Years Of Chaos” Ahead In Digital Media
What Songs Mean
“How much of this was I thinking about when I wrote the song? None of it.... How much of it was I feeling when I wrote the song? All of it.” Bruce Springsteen after a long explanation of the meaning of his song “Devils And Dust”, on VH1 Storytellers … [Continue reading] about What Songs Mean
Focus: Simple But Hard
Complicated is easy. Simple is hard. But simple is much more valuable. We generate complication when we don't know, or can't face, what we're really talking about. For example, look at the (gigantic) weight loss industry. Here is about all there … [Continue reading] about Focus: Simple But Hard
Routine Inspiration
Creativity is attentional, not intentional. It's hard or impossible to intend to produce creative work and then have that just happen, because creative thought doesn't seem to take place in the part of the mind that makes plans. Instead, it works … [Continue reading] about Routine Inspiration
Inspiration, Creativity & Borrowing
NPR is doing a really interesting series called Intersections (you can listen online here): "The public often thinks of artistic inspiration arriving in a sort of thunderbolt moment of creativity. The truth is, almost nothing is created out of thin … [Continue reading] about Inspiration, Creativity & Borrowing