News of computer scientist Luca de Alfaro's Wikipedia trust-coloring system revived - and improved - an idea I've been playing with: automated reputation-management for politicians. The idea is to make the concept of honor meaningful again, by … [Continue reading] about Proposal: A Politicians’ Reputation Management System
Follow the Risk: Amateur Journalism & Democracy
Adapted from a reply on John Jarvis' Buzz Machine blog: The Internet and cheap digital tools allow crowd-sourcing of news by amateurs, not just because the technology makes production and distribution fast, easy and cheap, but also because it … [Continue reading] about Follow the Risk: Amateur Journalism & Democracy
Enough of this creepy “Homeland” stuff: America is an idea
(Cross-posted at In 2008, let's take back our language, too. As far as I can tell, the first time the USA was widely referred to as the "Homeland" was when the Bush Administration created the Department of Homeland Security. I … [Continue reading] about Enough of this creepy “Homeland” stuff: America is an idea
Thanks to Bush, we now have Outrage Spam
(Cross-posted at I'm sure it happens to you, too: the latest outrage from the Bush administration hits the news — Cheneygate, Gonzalesgate, Torturegate, etc etc etc gate - and your fingers start itching to fire off an outraged email, … [Continue reading] about Thanks to Bush, we now have Outrage Spam
Digital Journalism Case Study: Live Blogging a Political Convention
The California Democratic Party held its annual convention in San Diego April 27-29, and I was there blogging, along with hundreds of other traditional and web-based reporters. Here are some observations. < - First, a thought about this picture: No … [Continue reading] about Digital Journalism Case Study: Live Blogging a Political Convention