Kamala Harris is doing a nice thing on Twitter, asking people to share stories of teachers who changed their lives. Here’s one of several I can think of right away: Kenneth Clegg, the chemistry teacher at Warwick Academy in Bermuda. He made us all love to be in his class because he so clearly loved all of us.
My dad, David Critchley, who knew what he was talking about, would have said Mr. Clegg was an example of what really matters in good teachers — more even than how well they know their subject (although Mr. Clegg knew his very, very well). Quoting Charles Truax, Dad said three simple things make the difference: empathy, warmth, and genuineness.
The trouble is, those are hard to turn into checklist items in a teacher training curriculum. You don’t so much learn them as you’re given them, usually in childhood, by your parents or other mentors — or, if you’re not so lucky, through the hard work of clearing away all the junk that gets built up in their place.
Mr. Clegg was my very dedicated Chemistry teacher. I has just arrived at WA in my 4th year and he offered free Saturday morning classes so that we would be ready for our GCE’s.
A extremely kind , caring always smiling and spoke with a gentle voice.
Was just reflecting on his caring manner a few weeks ago and wished I could thank him for all that he did.
He was such a kind person and wonderful inspiration.
Mr Clegg ! Wonderful warm and inspiring..
I had heard that Mr. Christchly was a good teacher going into his class for my last year at Warwick Academy and was a skeptic. I soon found out he was a quiet extraordinary force of goodness and a gentle powerful educator on chemistry. He was in essence a great teacher!
He was one of the best. Always wearing his hat, smile and a kind word.
From all of us at Warwick Academy, thank you for highlighting our inspirational Chemistry teacher. What a wonderful legacy Mr. Clegg left behind. We are very fortunate to have so many brilliant and inspiring teachers here today and those who went before. Thank you.
You’re very welcome, Jane!
I wish I had stayed in his class; I loved him, loathed the subject – but Mr C got all of my classmates to A grades on their O Level GCEs a year early. My bad!
I just discovered you, Spencer, through a friend. I love what you have to say about enlightened versus ethnic America, and our need to see through each other’s eyes more/debate less (and I say this as a [retired] high school Debate coach).
Thank you, Richard, that’s much appreciated.
Mr. Clegg was my favorite teacher at W.A. I was hopeless at chemistry, but I loved creating experiments. Mr C used to stay behind after school and work with me to improve my grades. He also contributed some items (test tubes) for my chemistry lab at home. Teachers have a huge impact on the future success of their students.
Totally agree David. I was crap at chemistry too, but so loved Mr Cleggs classes. He was such a warm,welcoming, gentle man. Thank you Spencer for your fascinating articles. We were in the same year, but different class.